Friday, August 4, 2017

Pudding chatbot. Beta testing

Dear friends, my collegues and me are looking for people who are interested in artificial intelligence and able to talk to our english-speaking robot.
The point is that now we teach our robot Pudding to speak English.
If you have the desire, opportunity and time to help us in our task - we will be very happy!
If you also ask some children aged 5 to 12 years to participate in our testing - we will be immensely grateful to you!
All that we want to ask you about is to chat with our robot on any topics that you want.
No logins or passwords are required. You can start the conversation by following the link.

1) When you click on the link, new tab will open in your browser.
2) After that click on the British flag icon at the top right of the window.
2) A greeting from the robot with the text "Hello! I'm Pudding, alien-has arrived on the Earth to get to know people" must appear in the top left of the window.
3) To say something to our robot - wrire your message into the entry line at the bottom of the window and press the Enter key to send your message to Pudding.
4) Pudding must answer to every your message.
5) Just speak with him about whatever you want, it's important for us to teach him to react right in any situation :)

If there are any technical problems on the site while you're chatting, please feel free to tell me about them - we will try to solve the problems as quickly as possible.


  1. Chatbot system is the new buzz word in IT world now. It is been there since 1966 (ELIZA) but got momentum recently.

    Why do we have software applications? It is to fulfil our needs. Software applications are written for performing specific task to take care of a specific business needs. So, software applications are coming in many different domains, platforms and business. Ultimately, these software applications take instructions/commands and reacts to those in a predefined manner to fulfil the expected tasks.

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